Postponement of Lakeside Fete

Dear all,
The weather forecast for Saturday 5th August for the Lakeside Fete Fun Fly display continues to worsen to the extent that that not only are we calling it off but so is the Fete organiser at Lakeside.
The good news is that this is not being cancelled but merely postponed until next weekend, Saturday 12th August, just 9 days time.
So you can start looking forward to it all over again. If you weren’t able to come before then perhaps you can now on Saturday 12th August.
If you wish to attend to support the Fete then I’m sure you’ll be made very welcome and equally we’re still looking for more Display Pilots, if you are confident enough to display your model/s for an audience then please contact me to be included and Registered.
Please contact me for DIRECTIONS and other details.
Here’s looking forward to a better forecast which is currently looking, drier, warmer and gentle breezes in the optimal direction.
Felix Marten ( Okehampton MFC )